'If you live in Hampshire and Sussex and you’ve applied for and been offered an interview in Health & Social Care, we can prepare you for interview success and support your journey.



Start Date

Coming soon


2 hour session

Start Time


If you have secured an interview with the NHS or any other Health and Social Care provider, contact us to practise your interview skills and boost your confidence!

The Interview preparation session is a 1-to-1 session which is delivered online. It lasts for approximately 2 hours in which you will:

  • Learn how The King's Trust can support you

  • Learn about interview techniques

  • Get feedback on your answers

  • Find out tips to stay calm and manage your stress

  • Practice mock interview questions

After attending the session you will have access to The King's Trust further support, such as:

  • Financial support

  • Free access mental health support like MYNDUP

If you are interested, register and we will give you a call to discuss next steps!

  • You must have secured an interview within the Health and Social Care sector

  • You must be 16-30 years-old

  • This course is run online and requires access to a smart phone, tablet, or computer.

You can apply for:

  • Financial support to help with new to work costs e.g. uniform, work shoes, fuel/travel to work costs, childcare, ID docs, laptop etc.

  • MYNDUP mental health and wellbeing support through FREE 1:1 counselling and group workshops

Image of young woman looking at the camera
"Before The Prince’s Trust I was the quietest and shiest person you’d ever meet, but this job has encouraged me to come out of my shell and interact with others, which has really boosted my confidence. " Shannon

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Image of young man, looking at the camera, Prince's Trust alum
"I was kind of lost, I didn’t know where I was going. The Prince’s Trust came along like ‘we have this gateway for you to get into care work’ which was definitely what I wanted to get into. I'd definitely recommend it." Ché